“Just a reminder, fans, comin’ up is our “Die-hard Night” here at the stadium. Free admission to anyone who was actually alive the last time the Indians won a pennant.”
#140RVW - 140 character reviews
140 character review: When I started this site that’s all I did – movie reviews that could fit on Twitter. With the exception of a few short blasts, everything since 2014 has been a full-size review, and I've gone back to expand on some of the earlier reviews. If they're here, I haven't updated them yet...
#140RVW: A League of Their Own (1992)
“It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard… is what makes it great.”
#140RVW: In Bruges (2008)
“Purgatory’s kind of like the in-betweeny one. You weren’t really shit, but you weren’t all that great either. Like Tottenham.”
#140RVW: Bang the Drum Slowly (1973)
“What new rules? There hasn’t been any rules changes since the Black Sox Scandal, 1919. Big League Tegwar’s Big League Tegwar known to every big-time ballplayer from Boston to California.”
#140RVW: Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
“If we’ve been telling lies, you’ve been telling half-lies. A man who tells lies, like me, merely hides the truth. But a man who tells half-lies has forgotten where he put it.”