“Let’s hope nothing happens to us.”
“Espérons que rien ne nous arrive.”
#140RVW - 140 character reviews
140 character review: When I started this site that’s all I did – movie reviews that could fit on Twitter. With the exception of a few short blasts, everything since 2014 has been a full-size review, and I've gone back to expand on some of the earlier reviews. If they're here, I haven't updated them yet...
#140RVW: The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005)
“If Mr. Ouimet wins tomorrow, it’s because he’s the best, because of who he is. Not who his father was, not how much money he’s got, because of who he bloody is!”
#140RVW: The Cat from Outer Space (1978)
“My name is Zunar J 5 Slash 9 Doric 4 7…Let’s just stick with ‘Jake’, okay?”
#140RVW: The Avengers (2012)
“I don’t think we should be focusing on Loki. That guy’s brain is a bag full of cats. You can smell crazy on him.”
#140RVW: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
“I don’t want to kill anyone. I don’t like bullies; I don’t care where they’re from.”