“Well, the future…that’s something you can never tell about. But the past…that’s another story.”
#140RVW - 140 character reviews
140 character review: When I started this site that’s all I did – movie reviews that could fit on Twitter. With the exception of a few short blasts, everything since 2014 has been a full-size review, and I've gone back to expand on some of the earlier reviews. If they're here, I haven't updated them yet...
#140RVW: The Answer Man (2009)
“The trick is to realize that you’re always doing what you want to do… always. Nobody’s making you do anything. Once you get that, you see that you’re free and that life is really just a series of choices. Nothing happens to you. You choose.”
#140RVW: Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)
“It’ll be great as long as those critics don’t start to eat off my leg.”
#140RVW: Attack the Block (2011)
“That’s an alien bruv, believe it.”
#140RVW: Brave (2012)
“It’s jist nae fair makin us ficht for the hand o the quine that disnae want any bit o it. Ken?”