“If Nikola Tesla was Writing a Self-Help Book, These are the Six Things You Would Learn:
#6. Avoid being abducted by an evil being who’s bent on destroying the multiverse. Self-explanatory.”
Master of Formalities (2015)
“I’d point out that it’s impossible to build something without destroying something else. Every statue represents a ruined piece of pristine, unused clay, which in turn represents a hole dug in the ground somewhere.”
Repeat (2015)
“That, Brad soon learned, was the essence of the entertainment industry, an endlessly neurotic blind date arranged by an ever-shifting army of 10 percent yentas.”
The Martian (2014)
“Yes, of course duct tape works in a near-vacuum. Duct tape works anywhere. Duct tape is magic and should be worshiped.”
You’re Never Weird on the Internet (almost) (2015)
“When we graduate from childhood into adulthood, we’re thrown into this confusing, Cthulhu-like miasma of life, filled with social and career problems, all with branching choices and no correct answers. Sometimes gaming feels like going back to that simple kid world.”