I’m starting a new feature – #owies – that’s Obvious Web Insights Explained Sarcastically. Just my little bit of opinionated observations that really should be apparent to everyone already. But since I had a little snafu with my company’s year-end scheduled post/email blast, here’s one for free:”If your service allows scheduling posts, any sharing capabilities MUST […]
Everything Else
#haikommute: In the brisk Autumn air…
In the brisk Autumn air Would it not please the senses To close the damn door?
#haikommute: On a travel day…
On a travel day Beautiful dog behaves well But his people suck
#haikommute: On the odd morning…
On the odd morning When I don’t use quiet car Worst mistake ever
New feature coming: #haikommute – simplified and stylistically incorrect haiku written on the train. Will use the 5-7-5 format and will likely be petty and snide…