Some of my favorite quotes:
Midnight Run
- Is this moron number one? Put moron number two on the phone.
- Make yourself a sandwich, drink a glass of milk… Do some f*ckin’ thing.
- Don’t say a word to me, Sidney, don’t say a f*cking word to me. I’ll get up and I’ll bury this telephone in your head.
- I’m gonna tell you something. I want this guy taken out, and I want him taken out fast. You and that other dummy better start getting more personally involved in your work, or I’m gonna stab you in the heart with a f*ckin’ pencil.
- Sidney, relax. Have a cream soda. Everything’s gonna be over in a few minutes.
Get Shorty
- I want us to be friends, Faye. And we all know that friends don’t hit each other… unless they have to.
- Chili Palmer: How did you get in here? Ray Bones: It was easy. I told ’em I was you, I acted real stupid and they believed me
- E.g., i.e., f*ck you! The point is this: is that, When I say “jump”, you say “OK”, okay?
- They say the f*cking smog is the f*cking reason you have such beautiful f*cking sunsets.
- Have you spoken to Mr. Palmer since your husband blew up?
Out of Sight
- Well, I was thinking, you could have a nice time with him on the ride down – like picking up where your interlude or whatever you call it left off – and then you could throw him in the shit house!
- Shut up and sit down, you big, bald f*ck. I don’t like leaving my own country, Doug, and I especially don’t like leaving it for anything less then warm sandy beaches, and cocktails with little straw hats.
- Yes, London. You know: fish, chips, cup ‘o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary f*cking Poppins… LONDON.
- Customs official: Anything to declare? Avi: Yeah. Don’t go to England.
- Should I call you Bullet? Tooth?
- I’m gettin’ heartburn. Tony, do something terrible.
- Blagged? Speak English to me, Tony. I thought this country spawned the f*cking language, and so far nobody seems to speak it.
- And this schmuck is gambling? You’re talking about Franky “I’ve got a problem with gambling” f*cking Four Fingers Doug. Well you’re plenty f*cking stupid, I’ll give you that. Do you know why they call him Franky “Four Fingers” Doug? Because he makes stupid bets with dangerous people, and when he doesn’t pay up, they give him the chop, Doug. And I’m not talking about his f*cking fore-skin either.