The cast is ridiculously talented, but didn’t even need to be with top of class writing from Kasdan. Very funny, lovely & sort of mellow…
What’s more:
No reason this movie isn’t as famous as like-minded dramadies like As Good As It Gets. That’s the closest comparison I can come up with for this one; a mix of really funny, biting humor and mildly schmaltzy feelings that somehow balance each other out nicely.
Should have been a launchpad for Loren Dean, but somehow it didn’t really happen. Lots of great character actors and tv-type talent abound. Zooey’s first movie. Hope Davis continues her great work. Jason Lee at his most charming (plus he skateboards).
But the star here is the script. It’s a slow burn of a movie, and that is a good thing; it really draws you in. Kasdan is in another league…
Bechdel Test: