My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I own Wool by Hugh Howey but I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet (I have poor reading habits due to my incredibly slow reading pace. So the fact that Sand is regarded as not quite as good as Wool isn’t really a problem for me.
What I read was an amazingly original novel. Sand is breathtaking. It’s not that the premise of a world totally overrun by sand is so good, because frankly it didn’t grab me at first and when I tried to describe the book to my wife it really didn’t sound appealing. What is so wonderful about the book is Howey’s descriptions. He takes a quite hard to visualize concept, that of special suits and methods for sand diving for treasure and really brings it to life with his telling.
The whole dystopian story thing has really been beat to death at this point, but Sand’s depiction of a world that has moved back to a western frontier style existence is fascinating.