My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Took several tries to really get going on this book, partly because of my fickle reading habits, but at least partly because, well, this just seemed too damn familiar. Anyone who’s been reading Pratchett for some time will recognize all of the moving parts. The past few have not felt like original tales, really just incremental additions to the existing stories. Vimes gets in a little over his head as he learns to accept another species and upset different people, the discworld moves on. Pratchett’s stories have always been allegories for our world, and so this thought should be appropriate: the more the map gets filled in, the smaller the world feels.
Still, it’s Pratchett and that means great characters and dialogue. Definitely a good book, just perhaps not as novel…
It happens. Hang.
P.S. One of the new characters in the book is named Feeney!