Bonus episode which goes into excessive detail about record shows and collecting the First Ten Years series…
iron maiden
NVB09 Discussing IRN09 – The First Ten Years Part IX: Can I Play With Madness & The Evil That Men Do
“…what ho! Nicko here! Welcome to Nicko’s ‘Not alot of people know that, number 9’! Yes! This is the one that comes after eight or before ten, but if you don’t have number eight, it comes after seven, doesn’t it? Yes, well you stupid little people out there, if you do not have number eight or number seven or one of them’s missing, because if you don’t have those little tokens in your sticky greasy palms and you don’t have ten of them at the end of these ten weeks of releases of the re-released rather singles of Iron Maiden, you won’t get your little box set, will you? No! Because as you know by now… I haven’t told you but you should know… you will be the proud owner of a special box with some seriously good artwork from Mr. Derek Riggs. Yes! And you will then be able to put all those greasy horribly grubby pieces of vinyl in there which as you know will have those amazing pictures on them and the little artwork, packages, and sleeves… and all that good stuff in that box! So, keep them all or else you’ll be in severely good trouble!”
NVB08.5 Bonus Episode: John, a DJ, and Iron Maiden walk into a dance…
“Do you know that that song means that there is no good looking to lost opportunities in the past? Well who does, stupid people! Uh, you should always take hold of the present. Ah! That reminds me, I tied a bow on my boy last night, and that’s what she said to me then…let’s take hold of the present! Eh? No? Don’t you get it? Don’t you get it?…stupid people…”
NVB08 Discussing IRN08 – The First Ten Years Part VIII: Wasted Years & Stranger in a Strange Land
“Oooooh! Allow me to introduce meself! My name is…”
NVB07.5 Bonus Episode: Live After Death
Bonus episode, in which I get carried away talking about the “extra” 4th side to the greatest live album of all time, and just how many copies of Live After Death one person needs…