Forget the snobby reviews – this was a very fun, very entertaining movie. Overlong like POTC sequels, rocky middle 3rd, but overall a blast.
What’s more:
Some of the stars were outspoken after the movie “tanked” this summer, criticizing the media and critics for intentional negative reviews borne of deliberately low expectations when the film seemed in trouble. At the time it seemed like people trying to right the ship and/or push off blame for poor receipts, but something about their claim struck true with me. Too often people smell blood in the water and pile on. There is a definite enjoyment in crowning the next Ishtar.
Having now seen the movie, I can report that the cast had every right to be defensive about being labeled a failure. This was a good movie, and if you are open minded enough to go into it not looking for problems you will enjoy it.
Perhaps part of the problem is Depp. Despite being a wonderful chameleon over the years, he’s getting a little long in the tooth for some of these roles. The whole quirky act is getting a little old and going back to the well with the Pirates team was likely to attract some criticism.
So how is he? He’s good. Hammer is really charming and the two have a nice chemistry. The good casting kind of hits a wall after that. Tom Wilkinson is his usual capable self but in a sort of tone deaf role, and the next time I’m happy to see Helena Bonham Carter in a movie will be the first time. Basically the cast is fine, but the characters are kind of crap.
In all, it’s basically two movies. The fun, modern western with gorgeous visuals and thrilling action pieces, and the overly involved plot-heavy one that drags the middle of the movie out. Too bad, because this came quite close to being an excellent movie, but ended up being Pirates 5.
The major problem, as I see it, is that there seems to be a little confusion over what movie they were making. Disney seemed to market this as a family movie; there was a Lego tie-in for goodness sake. And a big portion of the movie fits this description. But there’s all sorts of dark and weird stuff in here with genocide and cannibalism that was neither interesting or necessary. I know the Pirates movies had some gruesome stuff, but I don’t think this is in the same category, possibly because the subject is less fantastical in nature.
So, expect fun and you’ll get it. But save some popcorn for the middle, because you’ll be looking for something to do…